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Art. Scirocco – Pantaloni Sportivi cu Picior Scurt din Jersey din Bumbac Pieptănat

Art. Scirocco – Pantaloni Sportivi cu Picior Scurt din Jersey din Bumbac Pieptănat

SKU SCIROCCO/2XL/BLU Rinfresca il tuo stile sportivo con il Pantalone Sportivo Scirocco, perfetto per chi cerca comfort e praticità durante l'attività fisica. Realizzato in tessuto 100% cotone pettinato, con un peso di 180 GSM (grammi per metro quadrato), questo pantalone offre un'esperienza di indossabilità morbida e traspirante. Design Funzionale: Il pantalone presenta una gamba corta con fondo dritto, ideale per un look sportivo e una libertà di movimento ottimale. Dettagli di Stile: Il logo 20 Nodi è stampato in tinta con il laccio in vita, aggiungendo un tocco distintivo e di qualità al capo. Massimo Comfort: Dotato di due tasche laterali, il pantalone offre praticità per tenere a portata di mano piccoli oggetti durante l'allenamento o le attività quotidiane. Materiale di Alta Qualità: Il tessuto 100% cotone pettinato, assicura una sensazione di freschezza e una resistenza duratura, adatto per l'uso continuo. Taglie Disponibili: Disponibile in una vasta gamma di taglie, dalla 2XL alla 10XL, per adattarsi perfettamente a ogni fisicità e garantire un comfort ottimale. Colori Vari: Proposto nei colori blu, grigio, nero e royal, per permetterti di esprimere il tuo stile personale durante l'attività sportiva. Scegli il Pantalone Sportivo Scirocco per un comfort e uno stile senza compromessi, sia che tu sia un appassionato sportivo o stia cercando un capo casual per il tempo libero. Ideale per chi desidera un prodotto di alta qualità e dal design moderno.
Litchi Zmeură – 33,5° - Ediție Limitată

Litchi Zmeură – 33,5° - Ediție Limitată

Au travers cette série limitée anniversaire, je souhaite vous proposer un rhum macéré gourmand et délicat. Le rhum d’une saveur subtile est sublimé par cet assemblage original de litchis de Madagascar et de framboises. Pour une évasion gourmande… Composition : Rhum Blanc Bio Français maturé en vieux fûts de Cognac, Litchi Bio (Madagascar), Framboise Bio (UE), Sucre de canne Bio et équitable (Brésil) A servir frais, seul ou en cocktail, aussi bien en apéritif qu’en digestif Poids:1.2 kg Dimensions:10 × 10 × 19 cm Degré d'alcool:33.5° Macération:4 mois minimum Visuel:Belle couleur rose orangée
Căpșună & Lime – Pachet

Căpșună & Lime – Pachet

Strawberry & Lime – Pack
Dispozitive de ridicare HM 990 – pentru recipiente de până la 200 kg

Dispozitive de ridicare HM 990 – pentru recipiente de până la 200 kg

Hebegeräte HM 990 - optimieren Sie jetzt Ihre Arbeitsabläufe, senken Sie Ihre Prozesskosten und schonen Sie gleich­ zeitig die Gesundheit Ihrer Mitarbeiter Optimieren Sie jetzt Ihre Arbeitsabläufe, senken Sie Ihre Prozesskosten und schonen Sie gleich­ zeitig die Gesundheit Ihrer Mitarbeiter – ganz einfach, indem Sie auch kleine Transportbehälter und Ladungsträger bis 200 kg immer in die ergonomisch richtige Höhe bringen. Am besten mit einem mobilen Hebegerät aus der Serie HM 990. Universell einsetzbar in jeder Branche und in jedem Anwendungsbereich. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst. Das Wichtigste in Kürze: • Geeignet für Kleinbehälter wie KLT-Boxen und andere Ladungsträger. • Dank automatisch-mechanischem Antriebssystem stufenlos einstellbar – unabhängig von jeder fremden Energiequelle. • Gewichtsabhängige Höhen-Regulierung über eine Kurbel an einer Stellspindel. • Mit vier Laufrollen, zwei davon als feststellbare Lenkrollen. • Ergonomisch geformte Handgriffe für bequemen Transport...
Tăiere precisă a țevilor cu ZINSER – Soluții eficiente pentru cerințele dumneavoastră

Tăiere precisă a țevilor cu ZINSER – Soluții eficiente pentru cerințele dumneavoastră

ZINSER GmbH offers advanced pipe cutting technology known for its precision and efficiency. Our systems are ideal for cutting cylindrical and polygonal pipes made of mild steel, stainless steel and aluminum. With the latest technology and high-quality materials, our machines ensure the highest cutting quality and reliability for industrial applications. ZINSER 1304 / 1306 These specialized pipe cutting machines offer precise and fast cuts. The ZINSER 1304 and 1306 models are perfect for processing pipes with complex geometries and different materials. They offer excellent results for breakthroughs, recesses and end processing. Advantages of ZINSER pipe cutting machines Highest precision: Exact and repeatable cuts thanks to the latest control technology. Versatility: Suitable for different pipe materials and diameters. Efficiency: Cost-effective cutting solutions thanks to innovative technology and robust construction. Durability
Săpun Exfoliant Organic – 100% Francez

Săpun Exfoliant Organic – 100% Francez

Chez Nous le Savons, nous avons à cœur de favoriser les circuits courts et mettre en avant les producteurs locaux. Nous nous sommes donc lancés le défi de penser et concevoir une gamme 100% Française ! Découvrez donc notre baume hydratant, notre savon doux et notre savon exfoliant 100% Français !
M – Seria

M – Seria

As SACFORM /AGMline, Our Goal with Our Compact Press Feeding Systems is To Minimize the Space Need, For Our Customers To Manufacture Without Compromising The Production Quality
Film Tubular - Film Suflat – Protecție Excelentă Împotriva Murdăriei, Dăunătorilor și Nu Numai

Film Tubular - Film Suflat – Protecție Excelentă Împotriva Murdăriei, Dăunătorilor și Nu Numai

Blown film consistent quality by the roll At Dürrbeck you can expect a large selection of tubular film in various widths and thicknesses and with a range of features. This variety is important as products vary in their shapes and sizes, and require different levels of protection. Plastic blown film is especially suitable for products with adjustable lengths. Blown film is typically made of low-density polyethylene (LDPE). Polyethylene is affordable, durable, watertight and tear-resistant. Depending on how it will be used, we also produce plastic blown film made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), medium-density polyethylene (MDPE), and linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE). Blown film made of DKFol®-Eco and DKFol®-Eco-Coex offers especially high strength with low thickness. These films allow for a reduction in thickness, without compromising on strength and stability.
Burghiu pentru Pământ – RT 95

Burghiu pentru Pământ – RT 95

Von einem baustellenüblichen Kompressor angetrieben, arbeiten sich diese Erdraketen mit wuchtigen Kolbenschlägen durchs Erdreich. Sie können zudem aufgeweitet werden und Rohre direkt mit einziehen. Die Rohrrammen pressen Stahlrohre von 100 bis 800 mm unter Bahndämmen, Straßen und anderen wertvollen Oberflächen hindurch. DIE VORTEILE DIESER ERDR... Von einem baustellenüblichen Kompressor angetrieben, arbeiten sich diese Erdraketen mit wuchtigen Kolbenschlägen durchs Erdreich. Sie können zudem aufgeweitet werden und Rohre direkt mit einziehen. Die Rohrrammen pressen Stahlrohre von 100 bis 800 mm unter Bahndämmen, Straßen und anderen wertvollen Oberflächen hindurch. DIE VORTEILE DIESER ERDRAKETEN WERDEN SIE UND IHRE MITARBEITER ÜBERZEUGEN: ● richtungsstabil und zielgenau durch hinderniszertrümmernden Felsschlag-Meißelkopf ● nur 3 Hauptbauteile, dadurch sehr robust ● leicht (z.B. wiegt die Erdrakete RT 95 nur 48 kg) ● alle Maschinen mit genial einfacher Ziehsteuerung für Vor- und Rücklauf
Monorigine – Costa Rica – 100% Arabica - Monorigine

Monorigine – Costa Rica – 100% Arabica - Monorigine

Monorigine – Costarica – 100% Arabica - Monorigine
AL51 – Umplător de Sticle - pentru sticle mici, picături pentru ochi și altele.

AL51 – Umplător de Sticle - pentru sticle mici, picături pentru ochi și altele.

AL51 für kleine Gefäße (bspw. Augentropfen) Stopfen, Tropfer, Anrollverschluss, Schraubverschluss, Pinselkappe, Pumpverschlüsse. Bis zu 50ppm. Die AL55 FL ist eine robuste, mechanisch über Kurven und Servo angetriebene und kompakte Anlage, die für unterschiedlichste kleine Fläschchen wie z.B. für Augentropfen eingesetzt werden kann. Für die Füll- und Verschließaufgaben stehen verschiedene Stationen zur Auswahl, die flexibel untereinander kombiniert werden können. Zudem finden je nach Anwendungsfall verschiedene Zuführmöglichkeiten für die Leerbehältnisse und die Verschlüsse Verwendung. Abhängig von den Anforderung können Füllmedien angesaugt, oder über Trichter zugeführt werden. Zum Verschrauben bieten wir drehmomentgenaue Verschrauber der bewährten GSM-Serie an.
Cutii poștale autoadezive - Cutii personalizate pentru poștă și comerț electronic

Cutii poștale autoadezive - Cutii personalizate pentru poștă și comerț electronic

A compact packaging solution for books, computer games, corporate brochures, document files, CDs, stationery, and marketing materials, self-seal mailing boxes offer lightweight protection thanks to their unique envelope-style design. Ideal for those who want to ship their good in quality branded packaging, without using bulky boxes, they can help you reduce postage costs while promoting your business during transit.
Cdh6000 – Calibrator pentru detectorul de scurgeri H6000 - CALIBRATOARE

Cdh6000 – Calibrator pentru detectorul de scurgeri H6000 - CALIBRATOARE

The CDH6000 is a gas H2N2 (5% hydrogen) supply that checks the calibration of the H6000. It can be used with one or several calibrated leaks. The CDH6000 must be fitted with a calibrated leak to deliver a known quantity of gas H2 N2 (5% hydrogen) at a given pressure. If the pressure displayed on the gauge of CDH6000 does not exceed 1 bar, change the cartridge (maximum pressure: 4 bar) To purchase cartridges filled with gas H2 N2 (5% hydrogen) contact ATEQ. When the operator has finished using the calibrator CDH6000 disconnect the calibrated leak and store in its case and avoid the excessive pollution of the test area.
Drp150 - Draghe controlate prin radio – Seria DRP

Drp150 - Draghe controlate prin radio – Seria DRP

The DRP150 is a is a portable remote-controlled dredge that can be equipped with different models of electric pumps such as EL60, EL1204, EL110 or EL180 and allows the use of cutters. This dredge is versatile, easy to use and very safe: it can be operated through a wireless remote control. No need of operators onboard! The main functions are cleaning of industrial and mining ponds and maintenance dredging in harbors. MAIN FEATURES Small dimensions: easy to transport and to assembly, can be used also in very small basins and harbors. Highly customizable: can be equipped with GPS, cameras, position lights, jet system, and more. Thanks to its small draft this dredge can work in shallow waters. Length:6,5 m Width:4,5 m
ONIX – TIPOLOGIE - Materiale

ONIX – TIPOLOGIE - Materiale

El ónix es un material utilizado en la construcción y decoración de casas y edificios debido a su elegancia, durabilidad y atractivo estético. Es una piedra natural, semipreciosa, compuesta principalmente de sílice, y se presenta en diversas tonalidades, aunque las más comunes son el negro y el blanco, con características vetas que pueden ser de diferentes colores. Estas vetas y patrones únicos hacen que cada pieza de ónix sea singular, lo que lo convierte en un material altamente apreciado en proyectos de alta gama.


Ideal for mixed environments: floor/carpetLightweight, quiet, user-friendlyRotafil digital motor36V-6Ah lithium ion battery3 speeds with LED lightsAccessories on board and complete accessory kitPatented universal brush tool for floors and carpetsM30e power nozzle (optional)Integrated dry cleaning function
Linie completă: K Line S – VS2000 – Ninon Mix - Linie complet automată pentru toate produsele

Linie completă: K Line S – VS2000 – Ninon Mix - Linie complet automată pentru toate produsele

CDA offre des solutions complètes qui intègrent les trois phases essentielles du conditionnement de vos produits : le remplissage, le vissage et l'étiquetage. Parmi nos équipements, la remplisseuse linéaire cartérisée K-Line S se démarque par sa simplicité d'utilisation et de réglage. Dotée d'une grande polyvalence, cette machine est également reconnue pour sa facilité de nettoyage. Selon les caractéristiques de vos produits, nous adaptons le système de dosage, qu'il s'agisse d'une mesure de volume avec un ou plusieurs pistons, ou d'une mesure de débit, avec ou sans l'utilisation d'une cuve tampon pressurisée. Avec la K-Line S, vous pouvez conditionner jusqu'à 3000 litres par heure tout en maintenant une précision de +/- 0,5% du volume dosé.
Set de Îngrijire Restaurativă - Șampon - Balsam de Păr - Ulei Magic

Set de Îngrijire Restaurativă - Șampon - Balsam de Păr - Ulei Magic

•Tonik Etkili Şampuan ile yoğun işlem görmüş saçlar bile elastikiyetini geri kazanır. İçeriğindeki Argan Yağı, Sarımsak Özü, Defne Yağı, Lavanta Yağı, Isırgan Otu, Zeytin Yaprağı Özü, Çörekotu Yağı, Üzüm Çekirdeği Yağı, Kabak Çekirdeği Yağı, Susam Yağı ve Nane Özü ile en iyi bakımı saçlarınıza sunar. •Argan ve Zeytin Yağı özlü Saç Bakım Kremi ile saçlarınız yumuşacık olur. İçeriğindeki bitkisel keratin sayesinde saçlarınızı UV ışınlarına karşı korur. •Son dokunuş Magic Oil! Magic Oil içeriğindeki 6 farklı yağ özü ile saçlarınızı dolgunlaştırarak parlaklık kazandırır. Son olarak nemli saç uçlarınıza masaj yaparak uygulayarak ışıldayan saçlarınızın keyfini çıkarın.
RK LightUnit – Unitate liniară/Axă liniară cu acționare prin șurub

RK LightUnit – Unitate liniară/Axă liniară cu acționare prin șurub

Bei der Entwicklung der neuen “leichten” Lineareinheit RK LightUnit war man speziell auf den Einsatz von Materialien zur Gewichtsreduzierung bedacht. Bei der Entwicklung der neuen “leichten” Lineareinheit RK LightUnit war man speziell auf den Einsatz von Materialien zur Gewichtsreduzierung bedacht. Hierbei überträgt eine gleitgelagerte Aluminiumspindel die Antriebsbewegung auf einen verdrehgesicherten Kunststoff-Führungsschlitten. Dieser Schlitten ist wahlweise, je nach Einsatzfall, in unterschiedlichen Ausführungen lieferbar. Die Spindel ist durch ein spezielles Dichtlippensystem vor Verschmutzungen geschützt und erhöht somit die Lebensdauer und entsprechende Wartungsintervalle. Antriebsart:Spindel Fy max.:550 N Fz max.:1210 N Herkunft:Germany Hersteller:RK Rose+Krieger Hub max.:920 mm Markenname:RK LightUnit Mx max.:2,5 Nm My max.:5,5 Nm Mz max.:5,5 Nm Spindel:Rechts-oder Linksgewinde; Rechts- und Linksgewinde
Separator de ceață de ulei AF-30P - Separator de ceață de ulei – sisteme de extracție pentru vapori

Separator de ceață de ulei AF-30P - Separator de ceață de ulei – sisteme de extracție pentru vapori

Oil mist separators are a must in order to ensure the extraction of oil mist from machine tools. With AOF filters we offer a whole series of extraction systems for effective extraction and filtration. The separator can filter emulsion mist, oil mist, smoke and odours. Oil mist filters can be installed on almost all turning machines– and milling machines and BAZ. In this way you can offer a healthy working environment for you and your employees. Heat and odours are effectively filtered and the emulsion separated from the exhaust air can be reused. The filters of the oil mist separators are equipped with multi-stage filtration. The elements are cleanable and reusable. Harmful emissions, dust and aerosols are removed from the air at almost 100%. Health hazards Oil mist and emulsion mist Motor:0.75 kW capacity:29 m³ /min (1,740 m³/h) Noise level:70 db (A) Air inlet:Ø 200 mm
Flexibore® – Absorbția Neutronilor Termici - Industrii

Flexibore® – Absorbția Neutronilor Termici - Industrii

La marque FLEXIBORE® déposée par BORFLEX® et spécialement développée pour l’industrie nucléaire garantit à la pièce finale l’absorption des neutrons thermiques. Sa composition de 50% de B4C rend la diffusion négligeable par rapport à l’absorption des neutrons. Le FLEXIBORE® est également utilisé en spectrométrie neutronique pour diminuer le bruit de fond. FLEXIBORE® est d’une grande flexibilité et s’adapte aux formes complexes. Il est pliable sur un petit rayon sans rupture. Sa découpe est facile et la poudre B4C est uniformément répartie.
Leagăn pentru bebeluși – Gaétan Pelicanul - Leagăn pentru bebeluși

Leagăn pentru bebeluși – Gaétan Pelicanul - Leagăn pentru bebeluși

L’incontournable peluche à bascule : c’est LE cadeau de naissance ou du premier anniversaire ! Elle stimule la motricité, le développement et la coordination des mouvements de bébé. En toute sécurité grâce à son harnais 3 points et son socle en bois, l’enfant peut l’utiliser dès qu’il tient assis. Bébé pourra tenir fermement sa bascule sans tomber grâce aux deux poignés en bois. L’assise moelleuse sur le dos assurera stabilité à l’enfant pour le mettre en confiance. Aux couleurs neutres et tendances, cette bascule ultra douce complétera la décoration océan de la chambre. Gaétan deviendra très vite le nouveau compagnon de balade dans la maison. Référence:844 5060
Paleta Ibărică de Cebo 50% – Floare Ibărică - ȘUNCĂ ȘI PALETĂ

Paleta Ibărică de Cebo 50% – Floare Ibărică - ȘUNCĂ ȘI PALETĂ

Pieza alargada y estilizada, de caña fina. Presenta un color vivo, un sabor suave un olor extraordinario y grasa veteada. Piezas elaboradas artesanalmente, bajas en sal y con una curación entre 20-24 meses. Producto 100% natural.


Our diverse range of sustainable products includes Lyocell, Modal, European Linen, Bamboo, Hemp, BCI/Organic Cotton, recycled Polyester, and Canopy Green certified viscose.
Potentiometru de Mișcare Liniară PNS - Curse de la 50 la 950 mm – Conector M12

Potentiometru de Mișcare Liniară PNS - Curse de la 50 la 950 mm – Conector M12

The linear motion potentiometers series PNS have a 31 mm square section housing and 6 mm diameter shaft. Their measuring strokes range from 50 to 950 mm, and their standard resistive value is 5 KOhm. The conductive plastic resistive element grants the transducer a long life (100,000,000 motions), high independent linearity and virtually infinite resolution. The connections are granted by means of M12 connector. Thanks to their high protection degree against environmental agents the potentiometers series PNS are suited for severe applications, even outdoors, at extreme temperatures. Resistive Element:Conductive plastic Resolution:Infinite Stroke:50 to 950 mm Resistance:5 KOhm Housing:31 mm aluminium Shaft Diameter:6 mm Fixing:by movable feet or ball joints Connections:M12 connector
Cutie paletă din plastic pliabilă – GitterPak® 1200 x 800 - Alternativa durabilă la cutiile din oțel și lemn

Cutie paletă din plastic pliabilă – GitterPak® 1200 x 800 - Alternativa durabilă la cutiile din oțel și lemn

With a 1200 x 800 footprint, the ORBIS GitterPak® is a reliable 1 to 1 substitute for metal gitterboxes, metal tubs and wooden crates in automotive and industrial applications. The collapsible and stackable design offers transport efficiency and warehouse space savings. Due to the unique side wall design, our folding pallet boxes are particularly robust and can be used for years to come. Plastic pallet boxes do not rust and prevent metal-on-metal part damage with an all-plastic design. The ORBIS GitterPak is manufactured from 100% recyclable materials. At the end of the service life, we offer to buy back obsolete plastic packaging and use the raw materials in new packaging production. - 900 kg weight capacity - Stackable 1 + 5 static / 1 + 2 dynamic - Collapsible 1 : 2,7 - Easy and quick repair on site Outside Dimensions (L x W x H):1200 x 800 x 960 mm Weight Capacity:900 kg
Silo-uri de stocare - 2 x 1000m³ silo, Ø9m88 – Înălțime totală 16m

Silo-uri de stocare - 2 x 1000m³ silo, Ø9m88 – Înălțime totală 16m

Product = Pellets Extraction System = by gravity > belt conveyor under silo bottom 1 x 200m³ silo, Ø5m56 Product = Pellets Extraction System = by gravity > lorry (Belgium)
Ulei de semințe de bumbac

Ulei de semințe de bumbac

Farnico's cotton oil is pressed from our very own organic cotton upon processing. We can equally source the origins of the oil down to the household that grew the cottonseed.
Sac Plastic Fluture – Mână de Margarete - SACI PLASTICI

Sac Plastic Fluture – Mână de Margarete - SACI PLASTICI

Butterfly Plastic Bag – Daisy Handful - PLASTIC BAGS Size:22X30, 25X35, 30X40, 35X45, 40X50, 42X7X55, 50X10X70 Type:Plastic handful


Complément alimentaire pour soutenir la fonction articulaire. Cassis ipowder®, (Ribes nigrum), vitamine C et manganèse. Etui de 2 blisters de 15 gélules taille 0. Le cassis supporte la fonction articulaire. La vitamine C contribue à la formation normale du collagène pour assurer la fonction normale des cartilages et des os. Le manganèse contribue au maintien d'une ossature normale et à la formation normale des tissus conjonctifs.